Select "Drugs and Treatment " from the Menu



To add a Drug/Treatment, click on the plus icon at the top right of the Drugs/Treatment banner




The pop-up below will then pop up.

Enter your drug of choice, in this case Excenel.

Click on "Stock Item" if you require the drug to be a Stock Item

Click on the associated diagnoses where this drug will be used.

Click on "Save"

This enables us to filter your options when you administer the drug so that you will not have to scroll through your entire list of drugs most of which will not be applicable to the particular illness or injury your are treating.

Just another example of how we are trying to make data entry quicker and more efficient.



Also on this page you can add a diagnosis and also the category the diagnosis comes under.

This helps to speed up the time needed to enter health treatments.

To add a Diagnosis, click on the plus icon on the Diagnosis banner




The pop-up below will then pop up.

Enter your diagnosis of choice, in this case Metritis.

Select your category, in this case Fertility.

Save your Diagnosis




Once this information has been entered, then any Health Record entries will be quick and efficient.