Tax returns

Tax returns are the most common reports used in iAgri Online. They are very important to get right, as the IRD or tax department within your country require thorough and correct information on your business.

At the end of each tax period it is necessary to allocate transactions to that period; this is called "committing". The purpose of this is that once entries have been committed, they cannot be inadvertently deleted or changed and thus cannot cause your cashbook to be out of sync with returns already submitted to the tax department.



What happens if I change a transaction that has already been committed to a tax Return & sent to the tax department?

Change the transaction as normal and the transaction will automatically come through into the next GST return, within Boxes 9 or 13.



What happens if I add a transaction that falls into the period that has already been committed to a tax return & sent to the tax department?

Add the transaction as normal and the transaction will automatically come through into the next GST return, within Boxes 9 or 13.



What happens if I change a transaction that has already been committed to a tax return BUT NOT been sent to the tax department?

You can uncommit the return by using the uncommit function explained here.



What happens if I add a transaction that falls into the period that has already been committed to a tax return BUT NOT been sent to the tax department?

You can uncommit the return by using the uncommit function explained here.



GST analysis

This is a useful report to check before comitting a tax return, as it shows you what transactions are included in the return.

This is a good way to check whether any mistakes have been made in your GST return.


View/Commit a GST/Tax return

  1. Double click the GST report.
  2. Enter the details for Box 9 and/or 13. * means you need to enter a value before viewing the report.
  3. Click View Report to check the report before you commit it.
  4. Once you are happy the report is correct, click Commit. This will allow you to move to the next GST period.

View an old GST report.

Uncommit a GST report

If you want to uncommit a GST return, follow the instructions below.


  1. Select the GST Return period in the Start Date box. It will show 'Committed' to the right of the Tax Entity, as shown below.
  2. Select the Uncommit button.
  3. This will bring up a message saying that your tax return has been uncommitted.
  4. Click OK.

Viewing old tax return

You can use the Start Date to select older GST reports. This will allow you to view the report.