iAgri Support
How to Use Invoicing Page
Invoicing Introduction
Use invoicing page to create your invoice, mark them as paid, and send the invoice for other party.
How to use Invoicing
Create an invoice: to make a new invoice click on add sign (it is shown with the red circle in the below )
Below window will be open and you can input your information. Click on date due box to show you the calender, now click on the due date of your invoice. Then Add other party and description for your invoice. Accouunt code and tax type are drop down lists to see the list of your account code and tax type first you need to input them on the cashbook page. If you already created them here you can see the list of your account code and tax type. When enter whole of the information click on save button now you create a new invoice and you can see it on the invoice page (first image)
After saving the invoice you can deleteand edit
your information if you click on delete button the current invoice get delete and if you click on edit you can change the information for the current invoice. Below image shows edit and delete buttons with red circles.If you want to mark invoice as a paid invoice click on
sign (shows with blue circle at above image)and make the current invoice as paid, now you can see the current invoice move to the paid table(below the outstanding table).
When you click on edit button the invoice details window will be open (below image) you can change the information for the current invoice in this window. If you click on add button (it is shown with red circle in the below image)add line item window will be open, here you can add information like product ID, unit price and quantity which is shown in your invoice. After adding this information click save button, informatin will be add to item details as aline(as you see you can delete and edit this information by clicking on delete and edit buttons).There are four button at the buttom of invoice details window.If you click on save button changes will be add to the current invoice. If you click on generate button you can save this invoice as a pdf on your computer. if you click on send button you can send the invoice for other party. (Here you need to have the other party email which is saved in OTHER PARTIES section) and if you click on close button no changes will be add to the current invoice.
You can back any time and change your invoice details.
At the paid table if you click on setting icon a new window will be open. This window shows the current invoice details, at the bottom of this window there are three buttons. If you want to generate current invoice click on GENERATE button at new window select save file then click OK. The current invoice has been saved on you computer(you can find it on your download file), if you want to return invoice as unpaid invoice click on MARK AS UNPAID button the current invoice returns to outstanding section (top of the page)
Add Footer to invoce
If you want to add more details on your invoicement use footer setting page, footer is a section of the invoice that appears in the bottom margin. Click on the footer icon as shown below and go to footer page . There are five lines in this page, add your details to any line then save it. Now if you generate invoice (click on generate button) you can see details that you added as footer appears on the buttom of your invoice